Just in case some of you are getting a little bored here is my Apricot panna cotta recipe from season 19/20, why not give it a go, it looks great but is actually rather easy to make.
Makes x8.
250 ml of double cream
250 ml natural yogurt
250 ml mascarpone
1 vanilla pod
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
75 g caster sugar
x2 gelatine leafs
Firstly roll the x2 gelatine leaves and pop in a large cup and cover with cold water and leave. Next bring the cream, vanilla and sugar to a simmer, do not boil, stir until the sugar has been dissolved. Take the gelatine out of the water and squeeze, it should be nice and soft, then put it into the cream mix and stir until its disappeared. Take of the heat and transfer the cream mix to a clean bowl and and allow to cool slightly. In a separate bowl mix the yogurt and Mascarpone with a whisk until its lovely and smooth, add the cooled cream mix and stir.
This is your basic Panna cotta mix. Now to jazz it up a little. Use either fresh or frozen apricots and poach, if frozen its best not to defrost first just pop them in a dish, add some sugar and some water, cover and pop into the oven for 10/12 minutes, once soft but still holding their shape divide into two, the first lot blitz to make a coulis, the second lot carefully cut the apricot halves into x4 pieces and place a piece into each of your 8 ramakins, add a little coulis but remember to save some for the top of the panna cotta.
Next return to the 2 cream mixtures and put them together and whisk until its all incorporated, then pour into the ramakins with the apricots in them, then set in the fridge for at least 4 hours.
Brik pastry as a lebanese filo style pasty, (its a little thicker and I think better) you should be able to buy in the supermarkets (maybe not Liddle or Aldi but you never know they may appear next to a drill one day 🙂 cut into the shape you want, make sure you have 8, then melt a large knob of butter and add lots of almond flakes, brush the brik with the butter and then sprinkle the almonds around each, sieve some icing sugar on eat one, pop into the oven 180 degrees and cook until the almonds are toasted, roughly 6/7 minutes. take out and cool.
Finally take the panna cotta out of the fridge add some coulis in the middle and pop the brik snap on the side.